Friday, November 7, 2014

How to Set a Perforce Proxy server

Tips: How to Set a Perforce Proxy server

July 20th, 2009
p4pAgo some years one of the Codespring Clients what to use the Perforce Source Control systems. It’s now problem for us.
But i what to speed up and optimize little bit the network and the services usage. So i decided i implement a Perforce Proxy server.
I tryed under Windows but i have lot of problems with this. I decided to create a separate PC for this. First time i use a very old pc (i386  arch with 133 Mhz Processor, 128 MB memory and a 20 GB hdd). With time i change this with a virtual machine.
I write some script to manage the service if something is wrong and i need only restart the virtual server. Currently i use Ubuntu for this.

Installation steps

1. Make the /perforce/client directory (where the client is the client name)
2. Copy the script attached to /etc/init.d directory
3. Copy the attached p4p program to /usr/local/bin/ or download from net
4. Make executable the both files (perforce_proxy and p4p)  with  chmod 755 command
5. In the perforce_proxy change the P4P_TARGET value for your client IP.
6. Start the service.
7. On the Client PC try to connect to your internal server like
8. To test if the connection use the proxy can you try this command: p4 info

The script:

  1. #! /bin/sh
  2. # p4pinit
  3. # Startup script for Perforce Proxy server.
  4. # Check out the man page for start-stop-daemon. Notice I use -b to run p4p
  5. # in the background. p4p has a similar option, but I didn’t have as much
  6. # success.
  7. #
  8. #
  9. #
  11. # Provides:          perforce
  12. # Required-Start:    $all
  13. # Required-Stop:     $all
  14. # Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
  15. # Default-Stop:      0 1 6
  16. # Short-Description: starts the perforce proxy server
  17. # Description:       starts the perforce proxy server on 1999 port
  18. ### END INIT INFO
  20. DAEMON=/usr/local/bin/p4p
  21. P4P_NAME=p4p_vico
  22. P4P_DESC="Perforce Proxy My Client"
  23. P4P_CACHE=/perforce/client/cache
  24. P4P_PORT=1999
  25. P4P_TARGET=
  26. P4P_LOG=/perforce/client/p4p.log
  28. # Check p4p exists
  29. test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
  31. case "$1" in
  33. start)
  34. echo -n "Starting $P4P_DESC: "
  35. start-stop-daemon –start -b -m –pidfile /var/run/$ \
  36. –exec $DAEMON  -p $P4P_PORT -t $P4P_TARGET -r $P4P_CACHE -L $P4P_LOG
  37. echo "$P4P_NAME."
  38. ;;
  40. stop)
  41. echo -n "Stopping $P4P_DESC: "
  42. start-stop-daemon –stop –pidfile /var/run/$ \
  43. –signal KILL –exec $DAEMON –oknodo
  44. echo "$P4P_NAME."
  45. ;;
  47. *)
  48. echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
  49. exit 1
  50. ;;
  51. esac
  53. exit 0

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